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    Wednesday, July 1, 2009

    Logic will break your heart

    photo credit: Jack Siegel

    Today I feel so useless. Everyday the infamous phrase of "What do you want to do with your life," or "What are you planning to be when you grow up" seems to be dictating every aspect of my life. From people I barely associate with to those who genuinely give a shit. To be perfectly honest I'm so scared for the future. I have no idea what the fuck I'm supposed to do with my life. And quite frankly it sucks have people ask me from left to right what I want to do, because I feel like I've let them down when I say "I don't know". I'm pretty sure my mom is quite disappointed in me. I'm just someone who doesn't find interest in all those things that earn you big money. I want a laid back job that will get me through life. Obviously I'm not planning on being a bum or whatever. I want a decent job is what I'm saying. Nothing too shabby but nothing that requires me to absolutely want to kill myself and my boss. Ya know?

    I never want to grow up, End of Story

    Sorry this post is so so long, i needed to get it out..

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