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    Saturday, April 25, 2009


    Do you ever wonder how someone can wake up in the morning, get dressed, look in the mirror and say "Damn, I look goodtoday" when in reality, they look like a fool who just woke up, threw some threads on  and created an ugly ensemble. It never ceases to amaze me.

    Anyway!  Today was a sunny, 75 degree day. Up until it started storming a freaking monsoon. 
    Whatevs it sure beats the hell out of 20 in
    ches of snow. 

    Tuesday, April 14, 2009

    From the bowery to the barbery coast

    I'm pretty sure there's no way to express how much I hate school right now. All I want is summer vacation. Or something vacation. Anything would suffice right about now. Spring Break was pretty chill.

    Aw, I love my brother<3I got to reconcile with my bff that moved to FL and left me here to freeze in snow, snow, snow...
    But I'm not complaining, because it's so sunny and brilliant outside. I took a little nap outside while sunbathing, It was marvelous!